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tales from the woods

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

old whine in a new bottle

Not content with my erstwhile hand-hacked site design, i decided to embrace populism and a mass produced blogger template. One welcome feature of the new blogger templates is built-in support for comments. However, since i've been using enetation comments since the not-so-user-friendly blogger days, i'll be maintaining both enetation and blogger comments for some time. Hey, the enetation comment template is also hand-hacked by yours truly.

Geek talk aside, i shall be resuming blogging from now on. Lots of change during this hiatus. Moving to a different (and hopefully, more kickass) department in the same company. 2 month trip to the U-Ass on the cards. Buying a new hatch. Planning to learn aikido in 'lyons fronsay (yes, i insist on writing french the way it's supposed to frickin sound)

More updates later.


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